T-TheraS Hair Loss & Volume up Scalp Tonic 250ml
It helps to alleviate hair loss symptoms and volume up effect for 24hours
No detrimental ingredient 10 free!!
Hair Loss & Root Volume at once!! Hair Loss+Root Volume up=2 in 1
*Contains licensed black garlic fermentation extract, is a low stimulation of scalp hair water.
*The wet environment also did not affect the fluffy degree of the hair root.
*Contains green tea and other plant essence to effectively alleviate hair loss.
*Contains amino acids and other plant extracts to effectively protect the scalp and hair health.
The following four groups of people are strongly recommended!
* People who choose hair styling products because of hair loss.
* People who have no root volume.
* People who blow hair every day.
* People who worry about the hair damaged and no strength
- How To Use.:
1. Please shake the product thoroughly before use, evenly apply proper amount on the scalp every day, and then rub it with your fingers to make it fully absorbed like a massage.
2.Do Volume Up styling: after shampoo, remove excess water with a towel, then spray it near the scalp, dry it, and then do styling. - Remarks: This product is functional cosmetics, not used for disease prevention and treatment of medical products.
- 뿌리 볼륨과 탈모 증상 완화를 동시에 만족 시키ㅡ느 기능성 헤어 볼륨 미스티!!
- 셋팅제를 사용하지 않아 두티 가려움이 없는 뿌리 볼륨 미스트!!
- 다수의 그린 등급(EWG 1~2등급)성분을 함유하여 민감한 두피에도 사용 가능합니다.
- 사용방법: How To Use
- 1.사용 전 제품을 충분히 흔들어 준 후,매일 두피에 적당량을 고루 바른 다음,손가락을 이용하여 마사지 하듯이 하여 충분히 흡수되도록 문질러 준다.
- 2.볼륨 업 할 때: 샴푸 후 수건으로 물기를 제거한 다음,두피 가까이 분사하고 드라이후 건조하면서 스타일링한다.
- 비고: 기능성 화장품 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아님.
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- 同时满足坚固发根和缓解脱发症状的二合一头皮护理液!!
无需另外使用定型剂,头皮不痒的发根坚固液!! - 含有多种绿色等级(EWG 1~2级)成分,敏感头皮也可以放心使用。
- 使用方法:How To Use。
2.做蓬松造型:洗发后用毛巾去除多余水分,然后喷到头皮附近,打干后,即可做造型。 - 备注:此产品为功能性化妆品,并非用于疾病的预防和治疗的医药产品。
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